A really thought provoking article but incredibly depressing! 🤦‍♂️

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Thank you for singling out Michelle Obama as the only decent grown up on Inauguration Day. I can’t wait for our Labour government to fawn over DT, at the next inevitable full blown state visit…

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Mike Pence's wife refused to attend too as she hasn't forgiven or forgotten how Trump's deliberate inaction put their lives in jeopardy on Jan 6th alongside all the other representatives, police and other officers & officials present

The democratic opposition need to grow some cahones which their wives paradoxically have shown, can be done

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An interesting take. It seems to me that one of the problems for the Democrats is that there is no “leader of the Opposition”. The only figureheads are past presidents and they aren’t the ones who will be up against the Republicans in 2028.

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Now more than ever,must the forces of rationality must organise within and across geographic boundaries. Sources of reliable commentary and insight must be amplified to those who can and will still listen. We need to stand together or we will fall alone.

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100% agree the ex-Presidents never should have attended. You can’t spend 6 months warning everyone about the dangers of electing a threat to democracy and then clap along at his inauguration. Does anyone seriously think that the election in 2028 will be free and fair?

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Denmark. I’m really frightened.

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Great writing. Maybe I should get off Substack and just listen to news on Radio 4, where Trump won a resounding victory and is just a normal President fulfilling his popular mandate.

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If the presidents past had 'done a Michelle', Trump would have played the 'poor losers' card and made more noise at their expense.

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Great read. But. Given how malicious, vindictive and violent many MAGA enforcers are. With their tendency to dox, pile on, hound, and with a Commander who will literally pardon violent crimes- is it acquiescence or just self preservation? The Gilead Commanders are a bunch of bullies - they threaten violence enough times. Not everyone can put their bodies on the line.

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Straight out of the Authoritarian/Fascist playbook.

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Oh my goodness, I undwhat you are saying and it's very frightening

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Chillingly accurate take on the situation. Frustrating and terrifying that so many people are prepared to ignore such obvious lies.

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It's easy to say it, but how might things have played out if they all hadn't turned up?

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We have to at least hope that democratic norms and niceties will return once this blip is out of the way.

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Not worn down. Not even chafed. There’s no mark whatsoever. There’s always a different paradigm.

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